Basic Defensive Handgun – 6hrs $125.00
Basic Defensive Handgun course is designed for the new shooter. This course covers the fundamentals of shooting your firearm. Live fire training is completed with 200 rounds. The student then has the opportunity to engage in defense scenarios on the “Laser Shot” judgmental simulator.
This course is designed for the intermediate or advanced shooter. At the Live Fire range, Student will learn to engage multiple targets utilizing “Move & Shoot” scenarios, handgun manipulation and reloading under stress. This course requires 300 rounds. After the Live Fire training, the student will transition to the “Laser Shot” Judgmental Shooting simulator to apply skills learned during range training
FIREARMS & FAMILIES Workshop 4hrs $25.00 per family
This workshop is designed to orient families that are planning on introducing a firearm into the home. Or have friends that the family visits that own firearms. This is an educational insight on different types of safety topics; such as storing, firearms around children, gun safes, gun locks and ways to defend your home all while enforcing safe habits. The family will also spend some time running a few simulations using our LaserShot Judgemental Shooting Simulator. This Course is full of information and action packed and designed for families of all sizes and students of all ages.
This is a “Live Fire” range based workshop that coaches the family on proper & safe firearm handling. The basic “Can or Can nots” of how to wear the firearm and the places where firearms are not allowed when constitutional carrying outside of the home.
For those looking to purchase, this will acquaint and explain the different types of guns and calibers. Giving the purchaser confidence on what type, brand or caliber feels right when selecting a firearm to purchase.
In a dynamic manner using “marking rounds” the student engages a use of force encounter with the instructor.Various scenarios are presented in “Real Time” giving the student the opportunity to apply skills they have learned during the Live Fire course.
**Safety equipment and marking rounds are included.
This course is a Non-Live Fire course, utilizing “Laser Shot” Judgmental Shooting Simulator. Student will be “exposed to multiple “Shoot/Don’t Shoot” simulations. Handgun, Shotgun and “AR” weapon platforms are offered.
Defensive shotgun course is designed for the students who want to use the shotgun as a primary home defense weapon.
The course discusses ammunition selection, shooting techniques and Live Fire. After Live Fire range training, Students will go to “Judgmental Shooting” simulation for “Shoot/Don’t Shoot” Scenarios.